US asks India and China to stop importing oil from Iran by November 4

India, China, and other countries have been forced to stop oil imports from Iran by The United States till 4th November. As it was refused to supply oil by 4th of nov and also making it very clear that there would be no waivers to anyone. Iran is the third biggest suppliers of India after Iraq and Saudi Arabia. During the period of April 2017 and January 2018 ( As the first 10 months of 2017-18 fiscal)18.4 million tonnes of crude oil has been supplied by Iran.
Foreign capitals are officially warned by a senior State that ” we’re not granting waivers” and also claimed to tighten the noose on Tehran as “one of our top national security priorities.”

As the United States has been extracted by the President of The United states Donald Trump in last month from the landmark, Iran nuclear deal and are re-imposing US sanctions which had been suspended in return for restraint on Tehran’s nuclear programme.
In the meanwhile, Donald Trump gave authorities to foreign companies to wind down their business with Iranian counterparts either 90 and 180 days and it is depending on the type of commercial activity as well.

When a question was asked by a reporter to a state department official on the United States regarding all the countries including India and China to end oil imports from Iran by 4 November, he replied that Indian and Chinese companies would be subject to the same sanctions as those in other countries.
The State Department official further added on his statement on situation obscurity that ”“Their (India and China) companies will be subject to the same sanctions that everybody else’s is if they engage in those sectors of the economy that are sanctionable, where there were sanctions imposed prior to 2015. We will certainly be requesting that their oil imports go to zero,” and he also said that “We view this as one of our top national security priorities,”

Further the official said that it must be stopped by all the countries buying oil from Iran and bring it to Zero by 4 November. ”it is part of the Trump administration’s effort to isolate streams of Iranian funding and are looking to highlight the totality of Iran’s “malign behaviour” across the region official said in order to respond to question.

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