Keeping railway food hygiene and  services on the priority basis Indian Railways has decided to come up with a plan to leave a “undercover men” among common people which will be dressed like other common passengers in the train but have a job of keeping an eye on the quality of food and other related services offered in Indian railways. These were the words of a government official who reported on Thursday.

According to the official  “the undercover men from Indian Railways will not only buy the food as a normal passenger and give feedback about the quality of the food, staff behavior, and amenities but also rate the staff on their performance live to the ministry”. This plan is being one of the other plans of railways is the best to keep an eye on the services provided by the Indian Railways itself.

On further interaction with the government official he revealed that Indian Railway’s undercover men will work on some parameters for rating the food and services provided in the train and the parameters will include interactions with the common passengers, railway’s staff members and with some other officials as well before submitting their ratings and findings on the train.

The official even discussed with the reporters  that in this plan of Indian Railways of keeping an eye on what is actually happening inside, the undercover men will be the primary part of this plan whose main motive will be to hide its identity from boarding the train, purchasing the food till rating the food and services provided. As the secrecy of the plan is the main motive of Indian Railways so the identity of the undercover men/passenger will not be revealed to the other field officials as well, in order to keep utmost secrecy.

One more thing that was revealed in the conversation with the government official was that the Railway board is also working on the procedure of connecting Quality Council Of India to this project regarding keeping an eye on the “shopping” part and the Railway Board is also planning to link some of the trustworthy Ngo’s and other civil society groups with this project to bring some results in the favour of Indian Railways. This type of planning and projects designed by Indian Railways will give benefits to the railways as well as the common people in terms of convenience and maintaining hygiene as well.

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