Former Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif sentenced for 10 years over corruption

Former Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif and his daughter Maryam sentenced for corruption. A Pakistani anti-corruption court sentenced Nawaz Sharif for 10 years in jail and with a $10.5m fine, however, Nawaz’s daughter Maryam has been sentenced for 7 years while Mariyam will have to pay $2.6 million. In the Islamabad court, Judge Muhammad Bashir read the verdict on Friday and the court judgment runs over 100 pages.

Ex-PM Of Pakistan has been found guilty of corruption in the case of the ownership of four apartments in the upmarket Park Lane neighborhood of London.

According to the source, the defense lawyer Mohammad Aurangzeb has confirmed the news and said that ”Nawaz Sharif has been awarded 10 years imprisonment for the purchase of high-end properties in London”. Prosecution lawyer Sardar Muzaffar Abbas also said that the court had ordered the properties to be seized.
Although the general election in Pakistan will be held on July 25 and this verdict comes out three weeks before elections. it is expected that it is a move that could be a blow to his PML-N party’s chances in an upcoming general election

However, Supreme court ordered the anti-corruption watchdog to launch proceedings against former PM Nawaz Sharif and his family and July 2017, Nawaz Sharif was dismissed as prime minister for corruption allegations.
It was expected by former PM Nawaz Sharif that the announcement of the verdict was delayed by a week however the court dismissed the request. although, Nawaz Sharif was expected to hear the judgment of the case while standing in the courtroom where he has undergone more than 100 hearings with his daughter Maryam.

although, earlier this week, Maryam who is the daughter of Ex-PM Nawaz Sharif said that ”I am absolutely ready [to go to jail] This is not something to be afraid of.”

The Avenfield case was one of the four corruption cases filed against the former PM and his children. Nawaz Sharif disqualified in the Panama Papers case on the order of the Supreme Court’s.

The Pakistan Supreme Court ordered and disqualified former PM Nawaz Sharif from holding public office and ruled that graft cases be filed against him and his children over the Panama Papers scandal. Nawaz Sharif resigned from the post as PM last year in July

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