Geologists Discover 150 Million-Year-Old Dino Footprints In Rajasthan

In the latest discovery in India, a team of geologists from the Jainarayan Vyas University, Jodhpur has discovered 150 million-year-old footprints of Eubrontes Gleneronsensis Theropod dinosaurs in the Thaiyat area of Jaisalmer district. This discovery was made for the first time by Dr. Virendra Singh Parihar, Dr. Suresh Chandra Mathur, and Dr. Shankar Lal Nama.

Geologists Discover 150 Million-Year-Old Dino Footprints In Rajasthan (1)

The team also discovered mass mortality horizon (bone bed) containing fossils of dinosaurs, crocodiles, fishes and gastropods from the Fatehgarh formation. This discovery of these footprints shows the cause and effect relationship and may help to solve the mystery of extinction of the species, according to Dr. Suresh Chandra Mathur. It might also pave new ways towards searching dinosaur fossils in equivalent rocks.

Eubrontes Theropod dinosaurs were 1-3 meters in height, carnivorous in nature and seem to belong to the coastal environment. Fossils of these dinosaurs have been found worldwide in United States, Australia, France, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and now in India.

Geologists Discover 150 Million-Year-Old Dino Footprints In Rajasthan (3)

“Morphologically, footprints of Eubrontes Gleneronsesis Theropod dinosaurs are large about 30 cm long, tridactyle, strong with thick toes. Their body is estimated to be 1-3m tall and 5-7m in length,” Parihar said. “The Katrol formation of Kutch basin and Baisakhi formation of Jaisalmer basin are potential sites for remains of dinosaurs.”

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