Gurgaon: Kidnapped Toddler Gets Rescued By Police

A 2-year-old kid was kidnapped by a woman in Om Nagar Area, he was rescued by the Gurgaon Police on Tuesday.

Priyanshu, the 2-year-old kid was playing with his 11-year-old sister Priya, when a lady came and kidnapped him, it was 7 am in the morning when this incident happened.

Gurgaon Police PRO Subhash Bokan said: “The accused, Kanta, first observed the movement of the toddler and his sister from a distance. Later, she told Priya that someone was calling her inside the house.”

When his 11-year-old sister went inside their house, Kanta immediately came into action and kidnapped the 2-year-old kid, police say that she got away from that area really fast.

After finding out that the 2-year-old kid was missing, the mother called the police about the miss-happening.

Gurgaon Police PRO Subhash Bokan said that a neighbors CCTV camera caught her escaping the area.

Gurgaon Police PRO Subhash Bokan added that Kanta took Priyanshu to her house as he was consistently crying, her neighbors heard the kid crying and suspected an unusual activity in her house and called the police right away.

Kanta was arrested after 5 hours from the kidnapping, PRO Subhash Bokan said: “The police personnel of PCR van immediately raided Kanta”s house and arrested her.”

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