Know Why Agra Buyers Need to Own Garage Before Owning Car

Agra locals need to comply with new laws and rules which are about to be amended bringing in a few complexions to purchase their desire desired new cars. Locals and residents living in Agra need to provide valid documents exacting proofs about having a car garage or parking space for their four wheeler in the coming days so as to get them registered with the Road Transport Authority (RTA).

ttza of agra directs car owners to submit parking garage space documents before owning them

TTZA Demands Valid Documents of Parking Garage Before Owning Car From Owners

Taj Trapezium Zone Authority (TTZA) has come up with one of the most concerning decision for the car owners and four vehicle possessors. Last evening TTZA has turned with a historic decision addressing increasing number of four-wheelers and safety of world wonder Taj Mahal.

TTZA recent decision of compelling the car owners and the four wheelers to submit the parking garage space for their vehicles was carved out as a security and safety measure towards the preservation of the India’s premium prestigious architecture monument Taj Mahal reducing the air emissions.

Newly framed rules restrain and constrain all cars and four-wheelers from being parked haphazardly on the roads or at public parks. Pradip Bhatnagar who is the Divisional Commissioner said it was also decided that a series of tough measures need to be taken to bring down air pollution in the Taj Trapezium Zone.

Many reports have been claiming that Agra is one of the most polluted cities of the nation where one of the highly acclaimed report list Agra as 19th most polluted city of India. This reports listing is one of the most concerning issue for the city administration and people of the nation raising an alarm to preserve Taj Mahal.

Agra Buyers Need to Own Garage Before Owning Car

Pradip Bhatnagar said each year close to 80,000 vehicles are being registered in the city hence in order to bring down the pollution level, Petha industry has already been asked to discontinue use of coal and switch over to natural gas (CNG). Subsequently the hot mix plants in Mathura have been directed to shut down.

Taj Trapezium Zone Authority (TTZA) has been one of the statutory body which regulates and monitors major developmental activities in the 10,400 sq. km’s, spread over districts of Mathura, Firozabad and Agra. Agra residents we hope you would lend your support to the TTZA. Stay tuned with us for more trending alerts happening across the globe by bookmarking (press Ctrl+D) us in your web browser for easy navigation.

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