Widowed Husband Recreates Photos Of His Late Wife With 3 Year Old Daughter & It’s Heartbreaking!

A bereaved husband has found an unusual way to pay tribute to his late wife – by recreating photos they had taken together with their toddler daughter in her place. Rafael Del Col’s wife Tatiane Valques died in a car crash in 2013 when their daughter Raisa wasn‘t even one-year-old.

Overcome with grief and emotion, Rafael searched for a way to perfectly honour his late wife’s memory, he organised a shoot with three-year-old Raisa that mimicked photos he had taken with his wife in the week before their wedding in 2009. He made his daughter dress up like his late wife and the results were cuter!

Man Recreates Tearjerking Photos Of His Late Wife With His Daughter

Man Recreates Tearjerking Photos Of His Wife With His Daughter

Man Recreated Photos Of His Late Wife With 3 Year Old Daughter

Man Recreated Photos Of His Late Wife With 3 Year Old Daughter And It's Heartbreaking

Rafael Del Col Recreated Photos Of His Late Wife With 3 Year Old Daughter

At the time of the accident, she was pregnant with a second child which also died with her.

Man Recreated Photos Of His Late Wife

Man Recreated Photos Of His Late Wife with his daughter

And here’s a photo of three of them together…

Rafael Del Col’s wife Tatiane

The recreation was inspired by Ben Nunery, who did a similar shoot to commemorate his wife who died of cancer.

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