NIA Arrests Asiya Andrabi and Two Others for Waging War Against India

On this Friday national investigation agency arrested Dukhtaran-e-millet chief named Asiya Andrabi. Along with her two associates for allegedly waging war against India.



Andrabi along with her associates named Sofi Fehmeeda and Naheeda Nasreen were arrested from Srinagar jail. They were lodged in the connection for which the Jammu and Kashmir police have filed the case.

After the arrest, all the 3 women were brought to Delhi for the transit remand. All the 3 women were remanded for ten days in the NIA custody.

NIA registered the FIR on June 27. NIA accused Andrabi and her associates for the being part of a proscribed organization.

NIA put allegations on them that they are waging war against India. They are accused of sedition criminal conspiracy, obstructing the president from discharging his duty. Promoting enmity between communities and public mischief.

The allegations on them are all the 3 women used a various media platform to spread hateful speeches. The speeches spread violence in India. Especially in the states like Jammu and Kashmir.

Statement of Alok Mittal

Alok Mittal who is the who is the IG of NIA said, Andrabi and her associates have written and spoken words and published it. The speeches are written and expressed by Andrabi excite disaffection against the Indian government. The statements spread enmity among people of the nation.



NIA has accused Andrabi of soliciting help from other banned terrorist organizations to wage war against the Indian government.

According to the application of remand, NIA gets to know about many numbers used by Dukhtaran-e-Millat members. From the investigation, NIA found that Andrabi has regular contacts with associates who are in Pakistan. Andrabi is also in touch with those peoples who are involved in anti-India activities.

All the 3 accused women had made several calls with terrorist and other overground workers active in Kashmir valley.

Defense counsel from the side of accused women said videos of speeches by Andrabi were on social media for many years. He told all indicted were falsely implicated.



Judge of the district court decided to remanded all the accused for 10 days under the custody of NIA.

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