Scientists Discover Alien Signals From Galaxy 3bn Light Years Away
According to the scientists in quest for extraterrestrial life, 72 mysterious signals have been spotted from an alien galaxy by using artificial intelligence (AI).
Researchers working with the SETI (Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute recently discovered the unusual signals coming from a galaxy when they were examining 400 terabytes of radio data from a dwarf galaxy located three billion light years away from our Earth.
Most of the artificial intelligence technology is about automating data analysis by combing through great amount of data sets to be able to identify patterns or unusual occurrences.
The spotted signals, called as fast radio bursts (FRBs) are actually bright and quick pulses which were first spotted back in 2007. These pulses are believed to be from distant galaxies but there is no known fact what causes them to generate.
“The nature of the object emitting them is unknown,” SETI said, adding: “There are many theories, including that they could be the signatures of technology developed by extraterrestrial intelligent life.”
Scientists at the Harvard University, last year, had suggested that the fast radio bursts (FRBs) can be due to the energy leaks from powerful transmitter built by alien civilizations to be able to send giant light sail ships on interstellar voyages.
The detection of fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) was through the data collected by the Green Bank Telescope, which is a part of the US Radio Quit Zone and here wireless communications signals are banned to prevent any kind of interference with the telescopes.
A PhD student at the Berkeley, namely Gerry Zhang, successfully developed the machine-learning algorithm to use them to examine the 400tb of data which was found to have at least 21 FRBs by another researcher.
“Gerry’s work is exciting not just because it helps us understand the dynamic behavior of FRBs in more detail,” said SETI’s Dr Andrew Siemion, “but also because of the promise it shows for using machine learning to detect signals missed by classical algorithms.”
Dr Siemion added: “These new techniques are already improving our sensitivity to signals from extraterrestrial technologies.”
The research done by them along with the results have been approved to be published in the Astrophsical Journal.
There have been many research’s in this regard to find out if alien life exists outside our solar system. But till date there have been stories without any solid proof regarding that.
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