This Man’s Social Media Trick Fooled 2 Lakh Facebook Users Overnight, Check Out How!

This guy’s status had gone viral on social media and fooled over 2 lakh people overnight. A Facebook user by the name Pablo Reyes shared a status from December 2015 on his Facebook wall in which he had predicted the ‘Death of Muhammad Ali’, ‘Death of Prince’ and ‘Death of Harambe the Gorilla’.

Fooled 2 lakh people on FB

Pablo had also predicted about Hilary Clinton is the first woman president of the United States and the death of Donald Trump. The post read:

“Call me crazy but in 2016 Hillary Clinton will be the first female president, the world will go crazy over the death of a gorilla, Prince will die, Muhammad Ali will die, Kimbo Slice will die, Donald Trump will die. The USA will experience the worst mass shooting. I’m not trying to scare anyone, but you’ll remember my name.”

Fool post

This status had received more than 100K likes and over 166K shares. The Facebook users who came across this post of Pablo were shocked and stunned since some his predictions from 2015 came out true this year. Pablo Reyes did this all with the help of ‘EDIT’ option. He used the ‘Edit’ option to fool everyone.

Edit status

Earlier on 27th of December 2015, he had posted a completely different status which he just edited on 13th of June 2016 and re-shared 24 hours after Orlando shooting. All the people went mad about Pablo’s prediction which is coming true now. But some of the experts of Facebook identified the trick that Pablo used.

Here’s how the trick that Pablo used to fool people. Clicking on the small arrow on the top-right followed ‘Edit History’. Actually, his original status on the 27th of December 2015 read “White people outside taking selfies with tornadoes and shit”, which he later edited on 13th of June 2016, so that he could fool people.

Old and New statuses

What is your opinion about this fooling trick? Reply in the comments section below.

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