Three people convicted behind kidnapping of Halloween actress

Daisy McCrackin a Hollywood actress and a popular songwriter were kidnapped with an actor. Regarding this three people have been convicted behind the kidnapping of this Hollywood star who has played one of the lead roles in the Halloween film series. Two men and one woman have been charged with 17 felony counts, including kidnapping and assault with a firearm.
Not only three of them are convicted for the kidnapping of Daisy McCrackin but are accused of the kidnapping of actor Joseph Capone as well.
Our sources said that both of the stars were kidnapped from the actress’s Los Angeles home. Besides this actor, Joseph Capone has also been confirmed to kept 30 hours without food.
According to the information released by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, the whole screen began on 3 May 2017 when Keith Andre Stewart, Johntae Jones and Amber Neal who is accused of the kidnapping of the two stars reached McCrackin’s home in south Los Angeles. Inside the house, Joseph Capone was repeatedly struck by Mr. Stewart with a firearm and after that, both of the Hollywood stars have been taken to Mr. Jones’s home with three of them wearing black hoods over their heads.

“Capone was stripped naked and tied up in a bathtub, while McCrackin was driven to several banks, in her own car, and told to provide at least $10,000 (£7,500) for the release of her fellow actor”, says Official documents.
Besides all this hustle and bustle McCrackin was able to escape from the whole scene and from the three convicts and alerted the police after being driven back to her home, as per an official news release.
Regarding this, footage and videos have arrived on social media and messengers which shows that one of the defendants have been arrested regarding the plotting and execution of this whole act which took place at most famous Hollywood actress, Daisy McCrackin house in Los Angeles.
All Of the three people who are accused regarding this criminal activity will appear in court on 23rd of July for a pre-trial hearing. And all of them will have to face life in prison if found guilty regarding the case.
McCrackin was cast as a character called Donna in Halloween: Resurrection and the 36-year-old Hollywood star has also appeared in 2016 horror film ‘She Rises’.

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