TS 10th PRC 43% Fitment New Pay Scale for Telangana TG Employees

TS 10th PRC 43% Fitment New Pay Scale for Telangana TG Employees: CM K.Chandra Sekhar Rao has announced 43% Fitment for TS Govt Employees,Teachers and Pensioners. Telangana State Govt Employees, Teachers will get 43% Fitment for 10th PRC. T.Employees will get PRC benefits from March 2015 in Cash. This will be implemented from 2nd June 2014. 9 Months Arrears will be adjusted to the GPF/ZPPF accounts of Employees. 43% Fitment is a big bonus for TS Govt employees and Pensioners as 10th PRC has only recommended 29% Fitment. But the TRS Govt led by the Chief Minister Mr.K.Chandra Sekharrao has announced 43% fitment.

TS 10th PRC 43% Fitment New Pay Scale for Telangana Employees

New Pay Scales for Telangana Employees:

The commissions has recommended the following pay scales (Master Scale). These pay scales are calculated @29% fitment which has been recommended by the commission. Telangana State Govt will soon issue 10th PRC 43% Fitment G.O.

Telangana Employees New Pay Scales
Pay (01.07.2013) DA 63.344 % Fitment 43% Total Pay Fixed New Scale
6700 4244 2881 13825 14170 13000
6900 4371 2967 14238 14600 13390
7100 4497 3053 14650 15030 13780
7300 4624 3139 15063 15460 14170
7520 4763 3234 15517 15930 14600
7740 4903 3328 15971 16400 15030
7960 5042 3423 16425 16870 15460
8200 5194 3526 16920 17380 15930
8440 5346 3629 17415 17890 16400
8680 5498 3732 17910 18400 16870
8940 5663 3844 18447 18950 17380
9200 5828 3956 18984 19500 17890
9460 5992 4068 19520 20050 18400
9740 6170 4188 20098 20640 18950
10020 6347 4309 20676 21230 19500
10300 6524 4429 21253 21820 20050
10600 6714 4558 21872 22460 20640
10900 6904 4687 22491 23100 21230
11200 7095 4816 23111 23740 21820
11530 7304 4958 23792 24440 22460
11860 7513 5100 24473 25140 23100
12190 7722 5242 25154 25840 23740
12550 7950 5397 25897 26600 24440
12910 8178 5551 26639 27360 25140
13270 8406 5706 27382 28120 25840
13660 8653 5874 28187 28940 26600
14050 8900 6042 28992 29760 27360
14440 9147 6209 29796 30580 28120
14860 9413 6390 30663 31460 28940
15280 9679 6570 31529 32340 29760
15700 9945 6751 32396 33220 30580
16150 10230 6945 33325 34170 31460
16600 10515 7138 34253 35120 32340
17050 10800 7332 35182 36070 33220
17540 11111 7542 36193 37100 34170
18030 11421 7753 37204 38130 35120
18520 11731 7964 38215 39160 36070
19050 12067 8192 39309 40270 37100
19580 12403 8419 40402 41380 38130
20110 12738 8647 41495 42490 39160
20680 13100 8892 42672 43680 40270
21250 13461 9138 43849 44870 41380
21820 13822 9383 45025 46060 42490
22430 14208 9645 46283 47330 43680
23040 14594 9907 47541 48600 44870
23650 14981 10170 48801 49870 46060
24300 15393 10449 50142 51230 47330
24950 15804 10729 51483 52590 48600
25600 16216 11008 52824 53950 49870
26300 16659 11309 54268 55410 51230
27000 17103 11610 55713 56870 52590
27700 17546 11911 57157 58330 53950
28450 18021 12234 58705 59890 55410
29200 18496 12556 60252 61450 56870
29950 18972 12879 61801 63010 58330
30750 19478 13223 63451 64670 59890
31550 19985 13567 65102 66330 61450
32350 20492 13911 66753 67990 63010
33200 21030 14276 68506 69750 64670
34050 21569 14642 70261 71510 66330
34900 22107 15007 72014 73270 67990
35800 22677 15394 73871 75150 69750
36700 23247 15781 75728 77030 71510
37600 23817 16168 77585 78910 73270
38570 24432 16585 79587 80930 75150
39540 25046 17002 81588 82950 77030
40510 25661 17419 83590 84970 78910
41550 26319 17867 85736 87130 80930
42590 26978 18314 87882 89290 82950
43630 27637 18761 90028 91450 84970
44740 28340 19238 92318 93780 87130
45850 29043 19716 94609 96110 89290
46960 29746 20193 96899 98440 91450
48160 30506 20709 99375 100770 93780
49360 31267 21225 101852 103290 96110
50560 32027 21741 104328 105810 98440
51760 32787 22257 106804 108330 100770
53060 33610 22816 109486 110850 103290

43% Fitment Telangana PRC Pay Scales (10th PRC):

Keeping in view the raise in the quantum of minimum pay, the Commission recommends a fitment of 29% on Basic Pay. The Commission further recommends that the fitment in the revised scale may be made in the following manner:

(1) D.A. admissible as on 01/07/2013 i.e., 63.344% may be added to the Basic pay.
(2) 29% of the basic pay may be added to the total of Basic pay + D.A. arrived at (1) above;
(3) The pay of the employees should be fixed in the relevant revised scale at the stage next above the amount arrived at as at (2) above;
(4) If an employee’s pay when fixed as above falls short of the minimum in the revised pay scale, it shall be fixed at the minimum of the scale;
(5) If the amount so fixed exceeds the maximum, the excess shall be treated as personal pay and it should be absorbed in future pay increases or in the stagnation increments sanctioned.

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