[VIDEO] Chinese Artist Creates A Stunning Ladder To heaven Using Fireworks In Tribute To His Grandmother

This man did something amazing in memory of someone amazing to him. A Chinese artist, Cai Guoqiang has found a unique way to express his love to his grandmother. He created a gigantic staircase/ladder of 1,600 feet in height using fireworks in the air to heaven as a tribute to his grandmother.

Chinese Artist Creates A Stunning Ladder To heaven Using Fireworks

The ladder, which was made of metal wire and aluminum, was filled with gunpowder and attached to the bottom of a hot air balloon. The balloon, which was made with a special material, was launched from a boat off the shore of Huiyu Island in Quanzhou, south-eastern China.

Watch the Stunning Video Here:

Called the ‘Sky Ladder’, the project started off as a dream for Mr. Cai 21 years ago when he was visiting Bath, England. He designed the performance by drawing a draft of the design on the window of an art gallery. Cai Guoqiang is China’s most prominent fireworks artists who created spectacles for a series of international events in the country, including the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympics in 2008. He put on a spectacular fireworks show to thank his grandmother for supporting his dream of being an artist.

The amount of effort, thought, and creativity he put into this tribute for his beautiful grandmother is really amazing. Kudos to you Man! You thought out of the box and made the impossible, possible as imagination can take us anywhere. Wish I could climb those stairs and see how wonderful heaven is and say hi to all my loved ones 🙂

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