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Meet The Extremely Rare “White-Browed Tit-Warbler” Bird, Which Has Rainbow Colors

Meet The Extremely Rare “White-Browed Tit-Warbler” Bird, Which Has Rainbow Colors

Nature is amazing, it is so amazing that there are some creatures that we do not even know that they exist. With that in mind, every once in a while, photographers capture amazing pictures of…

Germany Launches Investigation After Losing 6 Million Coronavirus Masks At Kenya Airport

Germany Launches Investigation After Losing 6 Million Coronavirus Masks At Kenya Airport

Germany is investigating the loss of around 6 million masks that were supposed to go towards health workers fighting the coronavirus pandemic. The 6 million face masks went missing at an airport in Kenya last…

Bill Gates Willing To Spend Billions Of Dollars To Find Coronavirus Vaccine

Bill Gates Willing To Spend Billions Of Dollars To Find Coronavirus Vaccine

Bill Gates, a billionaire that was once the richest man on planet earth, is willing to spend billions of dollars just so scientists can find and speed up the hunt for a cure of the…

Turtles Lay Over 6 Million Eggs In Indian Beaches During Coronavirus Lockdown

Turtles Lay Over 6 Million Eggs In Indian Beaches During Coronavirus Lockdown

Last month, the entire country of India went into lockdown to stop the fast-spreading coronavirus (COVID-19). Since India went into lockdown, dolphins were spotted swimming in Mumbai and the air quality in New Delhi and…

Indian Veterinary Student Feeds Hungry Stray Dogs During Coronavirus Lockdown

Indian Veterinary Student Feeds Hungry Stray Dogs During Coronavirus Lockdown

In March 2020, the entire country of India, which is home to over 1.3 billion people, went into lockdown with hopes of containing the fast-spreading novel coronavirus (COVID-19). With everyone inside their houses, stray animals…

People Spot “Time Traveller” Using Smartphone In Picture That Was Taken In The 1940s

People Spot “Time Traveller” Using Smartphone In Picture That Was Taken In The 1940s

In a picture that was taken in September 1943, a man can be seen peering down at something in his hands, which many people are claiming to be a smartphone. However, the big problem is…
