Odisha: 45-year-old man Arrested For Raping his 13-Year-Old Daughter

Police Report: A 45 year old man from Odisha was arrested on Friday after the police found out that he raped his 13 year old daughter for 1 month in the district of Ganjam.

The girl was studying in the 8th class, she has reported the incident to the police on Thursday which led the local police to arrest the 45-year-old father.

The 45-year-old has been charged under a couple of sections of the IPC (Indian Penal Code) and the PCSO Act (Protection of Children from Sexual Offences).

A medical examination has been done on the 13-year-old daughter and the 45-year-old man.

The 13-year-old girl said that her 45-year-old daughter raped her for 1 month straight, and that’s when she realized that she should report the incident to the local police. The police added that the mother of the daughter was not aware of the said incident.

This is the second similar case in the district of Odisha.

On February 14, 2019, the local police did arrest a 42-year-old man who raped her daughter for 5 straight years, the incident happened in the Jarada Area.


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