Ex-Cop Cassie Barker Admits To Having Sex With Her Supervisor While Her 3-Year-Old Daughter Was Dying In A Hot Patrol Car

Harrison County Circuit Judge Larry Bourgeois told 29-year-old Cassie Barker who pleaded guilty to having sex with her supervisor while her 3-year-old daughter was dying in a patrol car “you will forever be entombed in a prison of your own mind.”

29-year-old Cassie Barker pleaded guilty to manslaughter in a plea after being charged with second-degree murder of her 3-year-old daughter. Cassie Barker was roaming free on bail but was arrested by the officials on Monday after she pleaded guilty in the case.

3-year-old Cheyenne Hyer, the daughter of Cassie Barker passed away on September 30, 2016, after she left her inside a hot patrol car for 4 hours while she had sex with her supervisor inside his home. The 3-year-old girl was strapped in a car seat.

When Barker came back to check on her daughter, she found her unresponsive. Officials said that the body of 3-year-old Cheyenne Hyer had a body temperature of 107 degrees when she was brought to a hospital.

The prosecutors recommended that 29-year-old Cassie Barker must spend 20 years in jail. Harrison County Circuit Judge Larry Bourgeois said that he wanted more time to consider the case and would like to give the sentence of Cassie Barker on April 1, 2019.

Harrison County Circuit Judge Larry Bourgeois said this to Barker, “I don’t know what I could ever do to you that could be worse than what you’ve already experienced. You will forever be entombed in a prison of your own mind.”

29-year-old Cassie Barker had 2 jobs when her 3-year-old daughter passed away, she said that she took her to Clark Ladner, her Supervisors house on a hot weekday morning and she fell asleep there.

Both Cassie Barker and Clark Ladner were fired by the City of Long Beach after a couple of days. Clark Ladner said that he did not know that the 3-year-old daughter of Cassie was inside the patrol car, he has not been charged by the authorities.

Cassie Barker said that she had left her 3-year-old daughter alone inside a car before, she said that it was near Gulfport in April 2015. The police responded to a call about the incident and officials from the child welfare took temporary custody of 3-year-old Cheyenne Hyer during that time. Cassie Barker was suspended for 1 week without any pay from the Long Beach Police.

Ryan Hyer, the father of 3-year-old Cheyenne Hyer said that no one informed him about the 1st incident.

Ryan Hyer, the father of Cheyenne said “Every time I close my eyes, I picture her suffering and then I picture her laying in this coffin. I still see her smiling and laughing in my head and I would assume that smile and laughter turned to pain and suffering in that instance.”

Ryan Hyer is now suing the LBPD (Long Beach Police Department) and the Department of Child Protection Services of Mississippi for the wrongful death of his 3-year-old daughter, he added that the child welfare agency should have taken stronger legal actions after the first incident, which happened in 2015.

Ryan Hyer said, “As a parent, you are supposed to protect your child, and Cheyenne is gone because her mother didn’t protect her, not once but twice.”

Cassie Barker was also admitted in a hospital after the death of her daughter, officials called it as a shock. The psychological exam showed that Cassie Barker got post-traumatic stress disorder attributed to childhood trauma and the death of her 3-year-old daughter.

Cassie Barker was found fit to go through the trial.

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