Dog Swallows 5 bags Of Heroin That He Found At A Park

Denis and Kathy Parslow, a couple, were placed in a situation that one could never imagine being in, when the couple took Shelby, their Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog out for a walk.

Shelby swallowed 5 bags of heroin balloons at a park in Brompton, Adelaide.

Luckily the 16-month-old dog survived.

Denis Parslow said, “He had something in his mouth which was quite large so I challenged him and he swallowed it. We went to the beach that day and he was fine. When we got back home he wouldn’t jump out of the car and wasn’t as active as he normally is.”

The couple took Shelby to the veterinary after he started spewing, the doctors gave him an injection and antibiotics.

When the symptoms did not go away, the veterinary decided to go for surgery and that is when they discovered that the dog had a giant stash of Class A Opioid inside his stomach.

The drugs had just started to enter his system, the doctors said that he was lucky it did not burst completely which could have led to his death.

Denis added, “They put him on Narcan to take away the effects of the drugs that were in his body, which led to a speedy recovery. No one else has encountered anything similar and Shelby is lucky to be alive.”

The police seized the stash and are investigating where the drugs came from.

Denis said, “When the police saw him, they thought he looked very much unlike a drug mule or a suspect.” (They) kind of fell in love with him as well, I think.”

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