What type of Belly Do You Have? Identify And Find Out How To Get Rid Of It Rightaway!
Fat deposited in the abdominal area seems to be the most stubborn of all, whether we’re talking about men or women. Belly fat is also the most dangerous type of fat you can accumulate. And it’s not uncommon for otherwise slim people to have belly fat and to be unhappy with the shape of their abdomen.
In order to get fit, you need to identify your problem areas to determine the best exercise and lifestyle changes that can help you target those specific body parts. If you are not among those “lucky people” who have a flat stomach, then check which of these five kinds of bellies belongs to you and try to cut the bad habits that affect its appearance.
1. “Spare Tyre” Belly
People who possess this type of belly are likely to lead a sedentary lifestyle, perhaps with jobs that keep them desk-bound. If you have this type of belly, you probably sit for long periods, or otherwise just don’t get enough exercise. It is also seen in people who have an emotional attachment to sugary foods or who drink too much alcohol. Luckily, this ‘spare tyre’ is one of the easiest tummy troubles to eliminate as it’s caused by eating the wrong foods and not exercising enough.
Typical bad habits that cause this belly are: a little exercise, sitting for long hours, eating products with lots of sugar and refined carbohydrates such as biscuits, cakes, white bread, or relying on starchy carbs like pasta and rice; regular consumption of alcohol. These habits could probably lead to an overweight tummy with accompanying fat on legs and hips.
How to get rid of this belly?
First, you have to cut back on booze to get a flat belly. Alcohol in your body turns into sugar and prevents the digestion of other foods until the body is completely free of it. Once you have gone alcohol-free for two weeks, it’s time to overhaul your diet – eat better and try to move more. Avoid low-fat and so-called ‘diet’ snacks. Incorporate more fresh foods such as fish, eggs, and vegetables into your diet instead of processed items. If you work at a desk, try to go a walk every hour. Exercise is the key to helping this tummy type. Simply going for a long walk, doing lunges, squats or dips at home or a yoga class will be beneficial. You don’t need a gym.
2. Stress Belly
This is the type typically seen in overachievers with perfectionist personalities. Often they may have digestive conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) that causes bloating and make their tummies look far worse. ‘Stress tummies are easy to spot, as the weight is typically concentrated on the front lower part of the abdomen.
When stressed, we produce cortisol, a hormone which encourages the body to cling on to fat around the stomach. Stressed tummies will also be fairly hard to the touch, rather than wobbly.
Typical bad habits that cause this belly are: These people tend to skip meals, consuming large amounts of caffeine, and grab junk food because they are stressed for time.
How to get rid of this belly?
Try to go to bed earlier and sleep more. Insufficient sleep disrupts the production of leptin, the hormone which helps regulate appetite and metabolism. Find an activity that you like (such as reading, meditating, etc.) that can help you reduce your stress levels. Before going to bed, try to practice breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, walking or long baths that will help you get the quality sleep.
Also, limit coffee consumption to no more than two cups a day. Magnesium is a calming mineral to help soothe a stressed belly. Hence, eat lots of magnesium-rich foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, Brazil nuts, and seeds.
3. Little Pooch Belly
Also known as “suspended belly” or “Lower belly,” this type of belly is most common with working mothers who have hard jobs filled with many challenges. These women perhaps get exercise but stick to the same routine of exercise and diet method. This routine keeps them slim, but a small part of the stomach which “falls” down always remains. They may also have stress on their lower back which causes their tummy to stick out.
Typical bad habits that cause this belly are: Hard workouts and making numerous sit-ups that burden the flexors in the abdomen and lower back, hence causing the tummy muscles to protrude.
How to get rid of this belly?
Try to vary your exercise routine and diet. Incorporate some light weight training to help build lean muscle and strengthen your back.
Good nutrition and plenty of fibre are essential to improve digestive conditions of this type. Increase your fiber intake and be sure you are getting the nutrition that is right for you. Reduce inflammation by drinking lots of water and eating easy-to-digest foods such as green vegetables and lighter proteins such as fish and chicken.
4. Mommy Belly
Also known as “Mother Belly” or “Alaska belly,” this type of Belly is typically seen in women who have just given birth and being a typical mum, having a little time that they can devote to themselves. This occurs because after giving birth, the uterus drops and weighs much heavier than it was pre-pregnancy. And because new mothers have little time to exercise, they have trouble losing the weight. Stress from a new child also contributes to the Mommy Tummy.
Typical bad habits that cause this belly are: Quickly returning to strenuous exercise and burdening the body; being stressed about getting rid of baby weight.
How to get rid of this belly?
Don’t rush back to exercising too soon; give yourself a break for a couple months. Incorporate fish oil supplements which trigger fat-burning hormones. Consume large amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Eat nuts every day. These foods, apart from helping in losing unwanted body fat, will also help you in the absorption of vitamins from food and reduce fatigue. Try to take short naps if possible and do some light stretching before bed.
5. Bloated Belly
Bloated tummies are often flat in the morning, before breakfast and first cup of coffee, but then quickly protrudes as the day progresses. This is often caused by bloating or indigestion. Bloating affects both slim and overweight women. The bloated tummy is almost always a sign of food intolerances and allergies, or sluggish bowels as a result of a poor diet.
Typical bad habits that cause this belly are: You are consuming the same foods and may have done so for a lifetime without realising you’re intolerant to them.
How to get rid of this belly?
Cutting gluten (bread, pasta, pastries, pizza, cakes and cereals) from your diet may help with your bloated tummy. Experiment to work out what bothers your belly as you know your body better than anyone else. Try eliminating key culprits such as gluten for a fortnight to see if your bloating reduces, or worsens when you reintroduce foods. Focus on a diet with lots of fresh vegetables, meat, chicken and fish. Make breakfast your biggest meal of the day and be sure to drink lots of water throughout the day. A bloated stomach can be a result of damage to the intestinal microflora. Try to consume probiotic supplements more often and beer yeast that would bring good bacteria in your digestive system.