Meet Rajesh Kumar, Whose Single Vote Defeated His Mother in Local Elections of Kerala

Rajesh Kumar emerges out as an inspiration for the rest casting his vote against his mother following the path of honesty ignoring partial tone. Though the action of Rajesh Kumar isn’t a strange thing while what makes it more prominent is that his priority when it came to the matter of people and mother. He bruised all beliefs of family politics casting his vote to the right candidate which resulted to the defeat of his mother with the single vote.

Honest Police Officer Defeats Mother in Local Elections of Kerala Casting Vote Against Her

People of India can now dream of a nation with zero existence of family and clan politics in the governance. The unusual act of Rajesh Kumar who is serving the nation as the police officer working with the government of Kerala has turned him up as social media as of now for his fair gesture. It is being reported by the reliable sources that Rajesh Kumar posted vote against his mother has led to the loss of his mother in the recently held local election of Kerala.

Mother of Rajesh Kumar who contested with BJP candidature is said to have  lost the elections by single vote. Revealing the reasons behind casting vote against his mother, Rajesh Kumar explained through is social network Facebook which went viral in a few minutes after publication of his post. The post which was shared on Facebook in Malayalam language has been acclaimed by the social networkers across the globe. Here are some of the excerptions of Rajesh Kumar’s post which initially began with his confession for casting postal vote which has made his mother to suffer with election loss.

What Made Rajesh Kumar to Cast Postal Vote Against his Mother?

After being ascertained with the unusual decision of Rajesh, people have been breaking their heads to get to know what made this police officer to do so. Simplifying the job of people Rajesh Kumar said it was his moral sense which made him take this fair step. He detailed that it was prime minister Narendra Modi’s ideals which inspired him to cast a vote against his mother thinking of nation’s interest foremost than personal.

gujarat defecate in open bjp modi achievement

Later he shared an untold story of BJP and true side of Narendra Modi’s Gujarat government which was hidden from flashy PR campaigns which disclosed concealed facts behind Gujarat’s emergence as 28th position on the educational index nationally during 15 years of Modi reign.

The Blind Side of Gujarat’s Modi Rajya

Ironically the developing state of India, Gujarat’s 70 per cent villagers defecates in the open which brings out the pace of development at the current date. Rajesh Kumar shared the bitter truth that no Gujarati city finds a place among the top 50 clean cities of India. He said, “Still people who sold us fake stories of development and scared us with the humiliation of being uncouth, captured Delhi.”

Have a Look at Rajesh Kumar’s Facebook Post Shared Below,

This Man Tells Us Why He Voted Against His mother

This citation of Rajesh Kumar is asserted with a question posed to all of us, “Once they have vanquished all the minorities and attained utmost power, what will be or who will be the next target of this sword?”

Rajesh Kumar says:

The love I have for my mother is not above the duty I have towards my nation. I am proud that I didn’t let that love be a hurdle in my path of doing my duty. As my mother, who helped me memorize and make the national pledge a part of my life, forgot it herself, Let this act of mine be an example which will remind it to all of us.

Today not just Hindus but Patels, Marathis, Gurkhas and Bodos are claiming that they have woken up from an untold slumber. Is it time that we break the country into pieces and let it be run over by various millitia  of the Ram Sena, Hindu Sena, Hanuman Sena kind.”

Concluding in Plea, Rajesh articulate,

Dear friends we are not a generation of clueless and thoughtless people. In a bid to teach people the value of peace, Japan bore the brunt of an atom bomb. Just like that, it’s our duty to strive for a better India for our future generations.

One that is secular and does not discriminate on the basis of gender and sexual choices. Ours is a generation blessed with the chance to strive and suffer to save our country from the growing intolerance and terror. And we will not fail in our duty. Jai Hind!”

At the end of the post, he concludes with the polled votes favor of candidates from each party, where his mother lost the elections by barely 1 vote.


Kudos to the brave stand of Rajesh Kumar who stood up to something breaking the conventional political strategy which is being followed in leading political parties Congress, BJP, SP, TRS, RJD and others political organizations on various pretexts. This kind of instances could rarely be spotted which prove nation comes first then family bonds.

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