Amitabh Bachchan announced Maharashtra’s Tiger Ambassador, spots real Tiger in Mumbai

Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan was announced Maharashtra’s ‘Tiger Ambassador’ at Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Borivali, Mumbai. He was spotted making his debut as the ambassador celebrating wildlife week.

According to sources, there will be two more new buses for the lion and tiger safari, Bachchan is expected to talk in detail about his plans as well as roles to not only promote eco-tourism but also tiger tourism in Maharashtra. As on the occasion of International Tiger Day Mungantiwar had written a letter to Amitabh Bachchan to which the latter immediately agreed showing his keenness to be part of Maharashtra’s tiger conservation programme.

Amitabh Bachchan announced Maharashtra's Tiger Ambassador, spots real Tiger in Mumbai

Amitabh Bachchan tweets about being chased by a tiger for four kms :

Bachchan started his tenure with a jungle safari in Sanjay Gandhi National Park was accompanied by ministers and politicians.

“I will consider myself worthy as a brand ambassador when tiger preservation and securing their safety becomes successful. If my voice or face can provide anything good to this initiative, I will pledge myself. I have been in Mumbai for 65 years. But the safari showed me images that I have never seen before. And these are the things that make me work for it. What makes me proud is that in the middle of the city, there is a national park which is a miracle and we have to save it,” said Amitabh Bachchan.

Amitabh Bachchan has expressing his happiness at his new role as the “Tiger Ambassador”, and he  said: “When we were moving from 19th to 20th century, there was 40,000 tiger .But in 2008, the tigers were reduce to 1411. The movement that started post that year has made it reach 2226 in number.”

Check out Amitabh Bachchan tweet about his jungle safari in Sanjay Gandhi National Park

Big B also highlighted a not about Maharashtra being home to the largest number of tigers in India.

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