About 4 Crore People Might Be Killed Due to Upcoming Earthquakes Splitting Continents Apart
Nuclear Engineer, Dr. Keshe in an official statement said that both super nations North and South America split apart from each other due to a close at hand earthquake uprising a mega tsunami. It is also said that this mega tsunami would be affecting America and Asia killing more than 40 million (4 crores) people. Dr. Keshe official statement makes headlines after a mock drill was organised by authorities for millions of people across America and Canada as ‘Great Shake Out’ so as to train them for worse circumstances. People have been trained to get prepared for emergency response if a major earthquake strikes the two nations.
Mega Earthquake to Hit American and Asian Subcontinents
“All the current earthquakes which have been occurring between 6 and 8,3 magnitudes are intimating about the mega-quake could hit us anytime from the current time to next autumn,” said the Iranian-born nuclear engineer, Dr. Mehran Keshe. He further added that “the South American continent is the starting point of the weakness. There will be earthquakes of 10 to 16 here and in one location 20 to 24.”
Official statement of Dr. Mehran Keshe also claimed that more than 20 million people would perish along the west coast in American sub-continents North and South America, but the southern hemisphere continent would be worst affected as it split from the north. Watch out this special video of Dr. Keshe in which he makes all the facts clear.
Dr. Keshe said, “There will be a number of series of earthquakes in north China in coming months. Japan and China will have the same huge losses and there will be huge losses in the Caribbean. The world economy will collapse. I hope it will not happen this way, but this is what I know it is inevitable the continental break-up is inevitable.”
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