Delhi Police Launches Trial Version of Its ‘One Touch Away’ App
Delhi Police launched a new mobile application, “Delhi Police One Touch Away”, through which it has brought together all its earlier launched apps and links to the websites of its specialized units under one common platform. The mobile application was launched by Delhi Police Commissioner B S Bassi. “The application is a solution on one platform and it is being launched on trial basis today,” said Bassi. The mobile app currently available only for Android users via Google Play, will act as an umbrella to all the previous Delhi police mobile applications, websites and services.
Features of One Touch Away App:
- There is no need of switching to various other apps such as Himmat, Lost Report, Traffic App, and miscellaneous services. The new app has a facility by which users can access all the above-mentioned services within the app itself.
- The users can find data regarding the areas’ ACP, DCP and SHO via Delhi Police One Touch Away app. The app also features an SOS facility via which the users can dispatch pictures of traffic violations, crimes, and others to the Delhi Police directly without going to police station.
- Laws and Acts like Indian Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Code, Information Technology Act, Motor Vehicle Act, in electronic form in daily use of police officials, Juvenile Justice Act, Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Act, Arms Act, Copyright Act, Delhi Excise Act etc. are also listed on the mobile app.
Advantages of One Touch Away App:
- App is user friendly and easy to adapt.
- Provides contact numbers, name, e-mail I.D. of all public dealing Delhi Police Officers to the public and all contact details to Police Officers.
- Provision to disseminate text, documents, photographs, audio or video as notifications to predefined groups in police or to public.
- Provides helpline numbers and Control Room numbers.
- Provides police officers’ numbers with designation, name and photographs.
- Through this app, information like police advisories, traffic alerts, safety tips, missing people, wanted criminals and terrorists can be obtained with a single click.
“One Touch Away App” is designed to identify areas where newer means can help in reducing public inconvenience and consequent dissatisfaction with police functioning.