Tamil Nadu Halts New Film Releases Until Rajinikanth’s ‘Lingaa’ Loss Settled
According to the Latest reports from Tamil Industry No new film would be set to release till September 4th, The Tamil Nadu Film Producers Council announced on Sept’2 that they will not allow the release of any new film across all languages in the Tamil Nadu state until the loss incurred on superstar Rajinikanth’s “Lingaa” is settled. They Officially stated, the council said ‘No’ to new films and will not allow to release any film in theaters from Sep’4.
Vendhar Movies, who is the distributor of “Lingaa” is now producing another movie “Paayum Puli” Starring ‘Vishal Krishna Reddy’ and Kajal Agarwal in lead roles. Which is set to release on Sep’4. But the group of distributors given a Red Card to the “Paayum Puli” in Chengalpet area. In film business terms Red Card is a term used to denote that the film is boycotted. it was issued a Red Card because the film is from Vendhar Movies and it is yet to settle losses incurred by “Lingaa.”
The losses from Rajinikanth’s Lingaa “Only half of the promised settlement has been done. Rajinikanth and the film’s producer Rockline Venkatesh managed to settle the loss, but where as distributors from North and South, Chengalpet and Trichy are yet to settled from the losses. They has to receive the compensation, a Tamil Nadu member who is one of the person from Tamil Nadu Theaters Association said.