10 Things We Should Avoid Doing On Prabhodini Ekadashi (Nov 23) As Lord Vishnu Will Wake Up After A Long Sleep
Prabodhini Ekadashi also known as Devotthan Ekadashi is the 11th lunar day (Ekadashi) of Shukla Paksha, Kartik Masa. It marks the end of the four-month period of Chaturmas, when god Vishnu is believed to sleep. It is believed that Vishnu sleeps on Shayani Ekadashi and wakes on Prabodhini Ekadashi, thus giving this day the name “Prabodhini Ekadashi”. It is also known as Kartiki Ekadashi, Kartik Shukla Ekadashi and Kartiki. Prabodhini Ekadashi is followed by Kartik Poornima, which day is celebrated as Dev Diwali or Diwali of gods.
According to the Padma Purana, Lord Vishnu battled the Mura demon for a long time. The Lord took rest during the battle, and Mura, thinking that this was his chance to vanquish the Lord, attacked Him. From the Lord’s transcendental form emerged a goddess, resplendent, with eight arms brandishing various weapons. She battled and killed Mura. The Lord awoke from His sleep, and asked the goddess who she was. She said that her name was Ekadasi. She desired the benediction that those who would fast on the occasion of her appearance would be free from sinful reactions, and would attain devotion to Lord Vishnu. The Lord granted her desire, and therefore, worshipping Lord Vishnu on this day is considered auspicious.
This year the Prabodhini Ekadashi is observed on November 23. According to religious scriptures, people should avoid the following 10 things on this day. Have a look of those things from below.
1. Avoid Violence
Violence is a big no during Ekadashi. Violence is not just physical, but also can be mental. Never be harsh to anyone.
2. Don’t Lie
Don’t lie on this day. People who lie are considered to be of very low level.
3. Don’t Steal
Stealing is considered a crime. These people are hated by everyone. People who have a habit of stealing should keep a strict control on themselves for life.
4. Avoid Sex
Ekadashi is an auspicious day. Having sex on this day distracts people from worshipping Vishnu.
5. Don’t Get Angry
One should not get angry on Ekadashi. Devotees should be patient and keep calm. Try to resolve unpleasant situation with harmony.
6. Don’t Sleep At Night
The sins accumulated over a thousand previous births are nullified completely if the devotee remains awake throughout Ekadasi night besides the fasting vrat. Devotees are supposed to be awake and worship Lord Vishnu on Ekadasi night.
7. Avoid Gossiping
People who gossip lose respect in the society. They are often insulted when caught in the act. This is in fact a bad habit to follow any day.
8. Avoid Bitching
Bitching about others create negative thoughts in our minds as well. Therefore, one should not bitch about anyone on this day.
9. Avoid Gambling
Gambling is socially unacceptable. People indulging into it, their families and relations are spoiled. A place where people gamble is believed to be non-religious. Also, it is said that these places become the host of wrongdoings. Therefore, people should not gamble, especially on this day.
10. Avoid Eating Paan
Eating paan is considered to be a royal habit. However, on this day Vishnu devotees are expected to be serving the god. Therefore, people should refrain from eating Paan.
One who does not chant the Gayathri mantra three times a day, who disregards fast days, who does not believe in God, who criticizes the Vedic Scriptures, who thinks the Vedas bring only ruination to one who follows their injunctions, who is cruel and wicked, who is ungrateful, or who cheats others, such a sinful person can never be pleased by a God.