Ahead Visit of PM Modi, Reason Behind Appearance of ISIS flags in Kashmir Revealed
Amid the clouds of bewilderedness, the main reason behind the appearance of the ISIS flags in Kashmir has been finally revealed. The appearance of ISIS flag in Kashmir before the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Kashmir has driven the attention of the nation over the incident raising various speculations over the security and other resulting issues.
Brought Out Possibilities Behind Showcase of ISIS Flag in Kashmir
Security personals and the people of the nation were perplexed to witness the appearance of ISIS flag a couple of days back prior to the visit of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi. A common question stroke the minds of people across the nation that what caused the abrupt interest of people of Kashmir in terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in the state.
During the preliminary investigation carried out by a leading news agency it was disclosed that main story behind the appearance of ISIS flags in the state of Jammu and Kashmir is said to be related to a US-based Kashmiri. A film featuring the atrocities on Muslims in Gaza had been released by the techie, US-based Kashmiri which is widely being used to persuade the innocent Muslim youngsters and youth in mosques by the radicals.
What Caused Appearance of ISIS Flags in Kashmir
Sources add in that the film featuring the atrocities on Muslims in Gaza and the preachings of the radicals raised a sense of concern with and curiosity about the ISIS in him. Cops who were ascertained with this fact said that though the video was called off by the authorities while it is being circulated and widely shared among the people through various means.
It is being reported that Pakistani and Islamic State flags are waved by the Hurriyat supporters every Friday in the valley disturbing the peaceful environment in the state provoking people. Separatists are denying to call of such activities waving the Pakistani and ISIS flags which have been strictly warned by the Union Government not to violate the code of conduct, try to raise communal violence in the state.