Antarctic Birds Recognize Individual Humans, Attack Intruders

Antarctic brown Skuas are large brownish birds. These birds eat fish and other small animals and are known to steal prey from some other predators. While taking the sips of breast milk from nursing elephant seal is observed. They are considered as food thieves or kleptoparasite which are named by scientists.

In some studies it is proved that these skuas are very intelligent and can identify individuals who visited their nests. This study is published in March in the journal Animal Cognition. Researchers say that, these birds are very intelligent and smarter than they thought.

Antarctic Birds Recognize Individual Humans

These scientists noticed that these birds will begin to act much more aggressively and also attack swooping on researchers and hitting them on head with their feet when the researchers who previously visited the nests very frequently. So that researchers say that these birds have capacity to remember the people who visited their nests.

However this ability is observed very rarely among the birds. This is confirmed by researchers by some experiments, these scientists formed into two two groups and one group visited the nest and other left silent. Then after few days they both stood in front of the nests and observed what the birds are going to do. Surprisingly they pointed the scientists who previously visited nests and attacked them.

“When I was with other researchers, the birds flew over me and tried to hit me,” said Yeong-Deok Han, a doctoral student at Inha University, in a statement. “Even when I changed my field clothes, they followed me. The birds seemed to know me no matter what I wear.”

“It is amazing that brown skuas, which evolved and lived in human-free habitats, recognized individual humans just after three or four visits, It seems that they have very high levels of cognitive abilities.” said Won Young Lee, a senior researcher from Korea Polar Research Institute.

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