This Is Not ATM, It’s ATW – When You Insert The Card You’ll Get Water Instead Of Money

When you go to the ATM center & swipe your card you’ll get money. But if you take the card & swipe in this machine instead of getting money, you’ll get 20 liters of purified drinking water for just one rupee. Are you surprised? It is a new scheme ‘Any Time Water’ (ATW) to provide safe drinking water to people in the rural areas. You have to pay just Rs. 360 per annual for this card at Bala Vikasa society.

When you insert the card once, you’ll get 20 liters of water for 1 rupee. On the same day if you want to insert the card twice, you’ll be charged 4 rupees for the same quantity of water.

Any Time Water(ATW) - Water plant by Bala Vikasa Society at Chityal in Nalgonda

This scheme has already been implemented in 351 villages of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra states. Soon it’ll be available for the remaining villages also. From 6 AM to 7 PM these Any Time Water centers will be open to the people.

Watch the video below:

Bala Vikasa’s initiative brings cheers to villagers and now they are able to access water through an ATM-style dispenser. Isn’t it is a good scheme? Yes, of course!

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