Video: A Boy Clicks Pictures of a UFO in Kanpur, India
An unidentified flying object, or UFO, in its most general definition, is any apparent anomaly in the sky that is not identifiable as a known object or phenomenon. Culturally, UFO’s are associated with claims of visitation by extraterrestrial life or government-related conspiracy theories, and have become popular subjects in fiction. Here is the true incident too place in Kanpur yesterday where a boy captured some UFO when he is clicking passing clouds.
The pictures show a near perfect flying saucer. A boy in kanpur here claims to have snapped photos of a UFO while trying to capture some clouds in his smartphone. The incident reportedly happened at Shyamnagar locality. Santosh Gupta father of Abhijit who captured UFO now wants scientists to examine the photos.
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Teens Who Claim to See UFOs in the Sky:
The Kenneth Arnold UFO (First UFO) sighting occurred on June 24, 1947, when private pilot Kenneth Arnold claimed that he saw a string of nine, shiny unidentified flying objects flying past Mount Rainier at speeds that Arnold estimated at a minimum of 1,200 miles an hour (1,932 km/hr).
As per the sources the Kanpur UFO could be a P1 or a P3. (www.jasonsart.com)
When anyone say UFO the first thing strikes your mind is stereotypical flying saucer. Of course there will be flashy red lights too.
California gets the most other-worldly traffic with 11,202 recorded sightings so far. In fact, the United States gets so many sightings of unidentified flying objects UFOs that there is even a national register of such events with the National UFO reporting Centre. As per the records, there have been 338 reports only in June 2015.