Central Research Institute Develops India’s First Indigenous Anti-Radiation Medical Kits For Police, Paramilitary And Army
New Delhi: What may be called as a great relief for the paramilitary and police forces, scientists of a central research institute have claimed to have developed an indigenous medical for the first time that may help in ensuring protection from serious injuries and faster healing process of wounds due to nuclear warfare or radioactive leakage.
The kit was developed after a total of two decades of work and efforts by Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS) in New Delhi and has more than 25 items which includes radio-protectors that provide 80-90 percent of protection against radiation and nerve gas agents, bandages to absorb radiation along with some tablets and ointments.
This kind of kit was developed in India for the first time, proving a potent alternative to similar kits that were still being procured from advanced countries like US and Russia at great prices, INMAS Director AK Singh said.
The contents of the kit also include an advanced form of Prussian blue tablets which prove to be highly effective in incorporating Radio-Cesium (Cs-137) and Radio Thallium, both of which are considered among the most feared radioisotopes in nuclear bombs that take part in destroying human body cells.
The tablet helps in providing 100 percent absorption from the gut area and other entry points to the human body, as per the documents inside the medical kid accessed by the news agency.
As per the statement by INMAS, the kit is specially designed and developed to serve only the armed, police and paramilitary forces, due to the fact that they are the first ones who are directly exposed to such radiations irrespective of it being nuclear, chemical and biomedical (NCB) warfare or a rescue operation being carried out after a nuclear accident.
The kid also contains an Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) injection that helps in the trapping of uranium in the guts and blood of victims during any kind of nuclear accident or warfare.
The kid also contains Ca-EDTA Respiratory Fluid which is also the inhalation formula for chelation or grabbing, of heavy metals and radioactive elements that gets deposited in lungs via inhalation at nuclear accident sites.
The EDTA works by “grabbing’ heavy metals and minerals and removes them from the body after it is injected into the veins.
The medicine helps in reducing the body burden of radioactivity by as much as 30-40 percent in controlled conditions and is also very much useful for the rescue teams and victims after a nuclear accident happens.
As per the report by INMAS, various paramilitary forces have started processing Memorandums of Understanding (MoUPolice,) with the Institute to procure the product seamlessly.
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