Dead Muslim Woman Raped From The Grave, Cops say it was an attempt to stoke communal violence

Is there any place left in India where a woman can call herself to be absolutely safe. After reading this outrageous, chilling incident, the answer you will get is a clear negative. Unknown youths dug out the body of a woman from her grave late on Friday night and allegedly raped the corpse. The woman had been buried two days before the incident took place. The incident that took place less than 25 km from the city has shocked Talheta village near the border of Meerut and Ghaziabad districts.

yogi-adityanath responsible for Dead Muslim Woman gang Rape From The Grave

The 26-year-old, who was pregnant, died of complications after she suffered a miscarriage. The woman’s body was found by the local residents nearly 20 feet away from the grave. The dead body was naked, revealed by the residents, who informed the police after coming across the horrific sight. The police believed the ghastly incident was an attempt to stoke “communal violence” in the region.

This incident reminds the communal speech that BJP MP Yogi Adityanath gave in March 2015. He presiding over a Hindutva supremacist rally, where calls were made to rape dead Muslim women. Mr. Adityanath continued on the stage while such a despicable idea was being expressed.

Watch MP Yogi Adityanath speech video here:

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