The Fascinating Story Of Emperor Ashoka’s ‘Nine Unknown Men’ And Their Secrets
Secret societies and conspiracy theories have always created lots of curiosity for humans. The Indian Emperor Asoka was a wise man and realised that man’s intelligence, scientific and technological breakthroughs were often put to evil uses. Hence, he got an idea of The Nine Unknown Men. The Nine Unknown Men is a secret society founded by the Indian Emperor Asoka in 273 BC.
To preserve and develop knowledge that would be dangerous to humanity if the power goes into the wrong hands, Asoka founded the society of the Nine during one of his wars. The Nine men were each given one book to guard. These books each deal with a different branch of potentially hazardous knowledge. Each of the books contained supreme knowledge which could help mankind to evolve.
If the knowledge goes into wrong hands, the knowledge could destroy humanity. Emperor Asoka is known for his secrecy. During his rule, the knowledge of past and present as well as natural science was vowed to secrecy. Starting at that moment and for next 2000 years that followed, all the knowledge that was developed was hidden in the secret books.
It was in the year 1923 when the world came to know about the existence of these mysterious men by a book written by Talbot Mundy, “The Nine Unknown”. Mundy revealed that each of the nine members possessed a book that was constantly rewritten, updated and contained detailed accounts of a certain scientific subject.
Traditionally, the books are said to cover the following subjects. Let us dig deep into the subject of each book that these Nine Men protect:
1. Propaganda and Psychological Warfare:
This book consists of knowledge about influencing the behaviour or the opinions of a large group of people. This book consists of knowledge that can help one in moulding mass opinions and it is also considered as the most dangerous among all other sciences.
2. Physiology:
Physiology is generally known as the study of biochemical and physical functions of the living organisms. This book consists of knowledge of performing death. The form of martial arts ‘Judo’ is formed due to the leakage of this book.
3. Microbiology:
We all consider the River Ganges to be very pure. People, who have little touch in Biology in school, they would know that it is because of a microorganism called Bacteriophages. The only reason why this microbe is found in the only Ganges but not in other rivers like Amazon or the Nile, because, this microbe was created and released into the Ganges at the base of Himalayas by The Nine Unknown Men using the secrets of this very book.
4. Alchemy:
Alchemy includes the transformation of metals. In times of natural disasters for a long period of time, you would find some rumours of religious organisations; severe droughts and temples received a large quantity of gold from an unknown source.
5. Communication:
This book contains the study of Communication technologies like wireless communication, terrestrial and extra-terrestrial intelligence. Even ways to communicating with aliens are believed to be held in this book.
6. Gravitation:
This book consists of the secrets of gravitation and actual instructions on how to make the ancient Vedic Vimana. Indian myths have been talking about Vimana for a very long time. The Vaiminaka Sastra is said to have necessary instructions for building a Vimana, and that could be found in this book of The Nine Unknown Men.
7. Cosmology:
This book consists of the secret knowledge of travelling at very high speeds throughout the space and even trips between different universes.
8. Light:
This book is about using light with increasing and decreasing the speed as a weapon by directing and concentrating in a particular direction.
9. Sociology:
This book is included in the working of societies and the means of foretelling their decline.