First Indian Lesbian Wedding in America, Beautiful Pictures and Videos

Yes! You read it right! It’s the first Indian lesbian wedding done in Los Angeles, CA. Shannon and Seema first saw each other in a fitness class. It was love at first sight for Shannon and she decided to marry Seema as soon as she saw her. 6 years later, she really married her! And here it is, an awesome story.girls_love

Though Indian society is not yet open minded about intimate issues like this, this is the first lesbian Indian Wedding that has taken place in America. No matter how sensitive this might be to the Indians, the family had no problem or hesitation at the wedding. They were totally supportive and happy with whatever was happening in front of them, dancing for the Dhol!

The entire wedding was done in traditional Indian style with all the ceremonies. Photographer Steph Grant, who specialises in LGBT weddings has photographed their wedding in candid detail. You can also find few intimate and vibrant photographs which show ultimate love for each other.



The wedding included all the traditions and rituals of a perfect Hindu Wedding, with Dhol, tying the knot, exchanging rings, etc.


“I have been anticipating this wedding for years now. Shannon and Seema are special to me and I am honored that they chose me to be their wedding photographer.”, Steph- the photographer wrote on her website.



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