For one minute ‘’ was Owned by Ex-Google employee

A man was able to successfully buy, the domain name for the world’s most popular website, for $12 (£7.90), minutes before the company contacted him to say the transaction had been cancelled.

Sanmay Ved, a former Google employee, was using the tech firm’s new domain buying service Google Domains at 1.30am on 29 September when he noticed that was available to buy. He added it to his shopping cart and, to his surprise, the transaction went through.

Sanmay Ved

Ved says that “I used to work at Google so I keep messing around with the product. I type in and to my surprise it showed it as available,” Ved told Business Insider. “I thought it was some error, but I could actually complete check out. “So for one minute I had access,” Ved said. “At least I can now say I’m the man who owned for a minute.”

Instead of receiving the normal confirmation emails from the company, Ved’s inbox and Google Webmaster Tools (also known as Google Search Console) was updated with sensitive information intended for the original owners of the domain – the webmasters of Google.

Ved’s ownership of lasted a mere minute. The company quickly emailed him to say it had cancelled the order because someone had registered the site before he could. Ved was refunded the $12 that had already been charged.

Ved said he has reported the breach to Google’s security team, who are looking into the incident. “The scary part was I had access to the webmaster controls for a minute,” he said.

A Google representative said the firm was looking into the issue, but had not noticed anything unusual.

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