Last year on Raksha Bandhan She was Harassed by 2 guys wearing Rakhi What Happened Next is Shocking

This video is reenactment and is based on a true story, Made by actor Varun Pruthi it shows the real humanity of a Ved Mitra Choudhary intervened when a group of men molested a woman, While he was successful in protecting the girl and forced the men to flee the scene, the harassers later came back with more people and beat the 31 year-old army man to death. Unlike the ending in the video, the courageous man died after succumbing to injuries, This incident took place on August 13 in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh.  Last year on Raksha Bandhan She was Harassed by 2 guys wearing Rakhi

Rakhi or Raksha Bandhan is a sacred festival, when sisters tie thread amulets on their brother’s wrists, praying for their longevity and happiness. In turn Brothers are bound by the delicate threads to cherish and safeguard their sisters. But, few people still doesn’t understand the importance of respecting a female and needs to be taught a lesson.

Every Man should Watch this Video before Celebrating Raksha Bandhan

An Inspiring video by Varun pruthi, whose been highlighting the common issues through social experiments, is a must watch by all. He’s very well shown what happens with females and how every man should take up responsibility to respect other’s sisters. This probably would help to cut down the rate of female eve teasing and many more such issues.

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