‘India To Become Central To LIGO Gravitational Waves Project’
Albert Einstein`s recently proved gravitation waves theory in regard with the agreement signed between India`s department of atomic energy and US`s National Science Foundation conducted this Thursday. Prime Minister Narendra Modi signed the agreement during his visits to US for Nuclear Security Summit, India will have a new Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory this is shortly known as LIGO.
“This confirms a major prediction of Albert Einstein’s 1915 general theory of relativity and opens an unprecedented new window onto the cosmos,” the LIGO website states.
“Historic detection of gravitational waves opens up new frontier for understanding of universe,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi stated on February 11th as a part of this announcement. He also said,”Hope to move forward to make even bigger contribution with an advanced gravitational wave detector in the country.”
“What was significant about this project was that now India has agreed to be a part of this project. The possibility is likely to be central to this project partly on account of geography favoring us.” Swarup said.
Modi also interacted with Indian-origin scientists, along with the meet with scientists and the breakthrough of the gravitational waves theory. Modi Visited Washington tour on Wednesday night from Brussels. There he attended 13th Indian-European Union (EU) summit bilateral meeting with Charles Michel, Belgian Prime Minister.
“The prime minister of course not only looks at the LIGO project as a very great example of India-US scientific collaboration but also as a project which has the potential of generating curiosity among a lot of very young minds and of creating a whole new generation of young scientists who will get enthused through the remarkable breakthroughs in science,” Swarup said.