ISRO Offers Private Companies To Manufacture And Fly PSLV
Over 25 industries and top scientists are participating in a conference to be held on April 21st at Bengaluru. Opportunities will be given to companies to start manufacturing Ploar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), which launched 28 non-Indian satellites from 2013-2015 earning about $101 million that charges for a commercial launch.
There are about 31 consecutive successful launches, after the failure of PSLV in the year 1997. ISRO is now looking to increase the number of flights and put more satellites to space and privatize the rockets, as the nations are coming forward with investments through PSLV to launch their satellites.
A.S.Kiran Kumar, the Chairman of Indian Space and Research Organisation said that they have only limited opportunity to launch the PSLV. ISRO welcomes the industries to manufacture and launch the satellites through PSLV. The organization is planning to improve the number of flights every year from 12 PSLV to 18 and then to 24 PSLV every year.
Participation of private companies would establish at least a single reliable supply chain with all kinds of components also the sub systems that are needed for PSLV to maintain number of flights. ISRo is interested in working with various industries to increase the candidates from all components. This is to increase the frequency of launches.
There is some gossip that Godrej and Boyce also Larsen and Turbo are collaborating with the space organization in the production of rockets and satellites. The conference on 21st April will create more ways for private organizations to join ISRO and increase the production and Fly the PSLV.