Kerala To Be Announced As ‘The First State In India To Achieve 100% Primary Education’
We all know that Kerala is the state where the literacy rate is high among all the states in India. Now Kerala has set a new record which was never heard before. “Kerala become the first state in India to achieve 100% Primary Education.” Vice-President Hamid Ansari will officially announce the statement and honor Kerala on 13 January 2016.
Kerala Government’s ‘Athulyam‘, a literacy program which was carried out in two phases after being launched in March 2013. The program aimed at educating those who had been unable to complete Primary education up to the fourth standard. ‘Athulyam’ team focused on the deprived sections like financially weak, scheduled caste, scheduled tribe, physically and mentally disabled among others.
“Kerala has become the first state in the country to achieve the total primary education. This has been achieved through the primary education equivalency drive of the state literacy mission ‘Athulyam’. The equivalency programs have proved a huge success and the ultimate objective is to achieve total Plus-Two education in the state,” education minister P K Abdu Rabb said on Monday.
The program offers a chance for those who failed to get the primary education due to various reasons to achieve the education qualification equivalent to the fourth standard. The declaration program is set at Kerala University Senate Hall. The second phase of ‘Athulyam’ was carried out across the state as part of the Mission 676 of the government, launched to mark its third anniversary.
Those aged 15 to 50 were identified by family registries prepared by Anganwadis under the social justice department and also through ward-level surveys carried out by instructors in continuing education programs.