Photo Of PM Modi Sleeping During Parliament Session Is Fake, Here’s The Proof!
The Internet is a great tool, and it has definitely contributed to society. But with the spread of the Internet there has also been a lot of fake information spread. If there’s one thing that there’s a lot of on the Internet, it’s fake pictures. Here’s the new one & this time it’s our honorable Prime Minister’s turn. A picture of Narendra Modi sleeping during parliament proceedings has been doing rounds on the social media.
The picture was widely circulated on Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and other social networks as ‘PM sleeps on Constitution day.’ Soon #PMJetlag started trending all over. They say a picture can tell a thousand words. But, here we have the unedited footage that shows the whole story.
Check the video footage here:
Exactly at 12.25 he looked down and with a few seconds he looked back up again. Proving that he was just looking down for a moment and not napping in the Parliament unlike how it has been claimed so far.