36 Questions We Have After The ‘Game Of Thrones’ Season 5 Finale
The fifth season of “Game of Thrones” came to a close on Sunday night, leaving us in a pool of tears after that character’s death. It was a devastating finale that packed in a surplus of storylines, but also left fans with a ton of questions. Lets have a look to the questions that left with the audience. Just one of the many events from the finale leaving us with endless questions is Jon Snow’s death. We’ve speculated over the possible ways in which Jon (Kit Harington) could return to the series eventually, especially after George R.R. Martin gave us more hope for Jon in the books. But still, a lot went down in “Mother’s Mercy” that has everyone confused. Here are all the things we’re still wondering about after the Season 5 finale:
- If so, why didn’t they show Brienne fully kill him?
- If not, why is she even at The Wall?
- Will Jon’s body be burned so he won’t turn into a Wight?
- Where was Roose Bolton during the battle?
- Where was Tommen during Cersei’s Walk of Shame?
- Is Stannis actually dead?
- Did Sansa and Theon actually survive that insane jump? (If so, how?)
- Is Jon seriously gone forever?
- Where is Ghost and why didn’t he save Jon from the attack?
- Is Jaime going to turn that ship around and seek revenge?
- Hey HBO, can you increase the “Game of Thrones” budget so we can see the battle, please?
- Will Melisandre resurrect him?
- Is Ser Davos going to avenge Shireen after her death?
- Speaking of that battle, um, why didn’t we see it?
- Is Myrcella gone for good?
- Are we eventually going to see what Qyburn did to The Mountain?
- Why were the Sand Snakes so lame?
- Isn’t Mace Tyrell like, “Uh, where’s Meryn Trant?”
- Are Margaery and Loras still in prison and will they be freed?
- Can Ser Pounce please come back?
- Is Dany in grave danger with the Dothraki?
- Are the Dothraki really not going to find the ring Daenerys dropped right in front of them?
- What has Bran been doing this whole time?
- Can we be team White Walkers now??
- How pissed are Rhaegal and Viserion for missing out on all the dragon action?
- What are the White Walkers doing?
- If Qyburn can save The Mountain, can’t he save Jon somehow? (Please.)
- Where is Benjen Stark, for real?
- On that note of missing persons, where the heck are Rickon and Osha?
- Oh, and where is Gendry??
- Will Jorah get jealous and try to kill Daario during their trip?
- Is Jorah going to die from Grayscale?
- Is Drogon still napping?
- How long will Arya stay blind?
- Where is Littlefinger and what is he planning?
- Also, what the heck happened when Jaqen drank the poison and Arya swiped off all of the faces?