Rahul Gandhi Trends on Google Search as “Who is Pappu in India?” With Explanation
The search engine giant Google is turning out to be a concerning issue these days. Google search which has been in news in recent times as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was listed in the search results of “top 10 criminals in the world” and “top 10 stupid prime ministers in the world”. Google hasn’t exempted the Congress party vice president Rahul Gandhi now whose names is trending in most funny and awkward way.
Rahul Gandhi Rules Google Search Engine as Pappu of India
Google search engine in India is trending with Pappu of India. Netizens across the nation are suggesting the Congress party chief Sonia Gandhi to search for her son Rahul Gandhi, on Google search engine as Pappu of India if he ever leaves their home or office without informing on a vacation.
Google search engine is listing out Rahul Gandhi as the top result for the search ‘Who is Pappu in India.’ The descendant of congress party Rahul Gandhi is regarded as the ‘Pappu’ of India. Google search engine which is listing and displaying Indian politician Rahul Gandhi for the search of ‘Who is Pappu in India’ and is also justifying its search.
Search results of Google is backed up with pretty explanation followed by the result. Enthusiastic netizens on social media trolled and celebrated the congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi on July 19 as #ViswaPappuDiwas. Indian National Congress (INC) Vice-President Rahul Gandhi was brought into the spotlight after the first TV interview about his less-IQ speeches by the frankly speaking with Arnab Goswami during the 16th Lok Sabha Elections.
Rahul Gandhi has become a laughing stock as Pappu with his unintelligent interviews and speeches during Congress campaign during the 16th Lok Sabha Elections entailing him as a loser. Google search engines is displaying search results as ‘Who is Pappu in India’ with a well-explained answer as “Rahul Gandhi – He is the biggest dumb in Indian politics. I think it is deeply insulting to Pappu to refer Rahul Gandhi as Pappu, because one day eventually Pappu passes the exam. “Pappu Paas ho Gaya. However, Rahul was thrown out of his institution.”
Rahul Gandhi who hails from a political background family of the nation is one of the eminent politician of Indian politics and is being known most of the wrong reasons. Rahul Gandhi who assured and bidded for to continue the Gandhi legacy of his ancestors (Jawaharlal Nehru, Rajiv, Indira Gandhi) and family (mother Sonia Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi) has failed often regarding his forebode.
In in the Indian political scenario congress party chief Sonia Gandhi’s son has been trolled by the netizens on social media very often, in fact they never missed a chance over it addressing him as the Pappu of India. Some of the mindless answers of Frankly speaking with Arnab Goswami in the year 2014 before he 16th Lok Sabha Elections.
Rahul Gandhi, about whom the nation is not sure of the future of his political career while they can have a red-blooded laugh about his stupid answers, memes and trolls on the Internet. Share your impressions regarding this post with us leaving them as comments below. Stay tuned with us for more trending and upcoming updates occurring across the globe by bookmarking us pressing Ctrl+D in your web browser for easy navigation.