Russian Prez Vladimir Putin Vows to Avenge Death of 224 Killed Plane Crash in Egypt
After being informed by the Russia’s FSB security service that bomb blast which happened last month banging Russian passenger plane killing 224 people on board in Egypt’s Sinai was due to the terror act, President Vladimir Putin has now vowed down to find and punish the attackers. While addressing a media conference president affirmed these tough statements which are echoing in the leading news sources across the globe, offering a reward of 33 million pounds (around Rs 330 crore) to the people helping in nabbing the responsible militates behind the crash of the Airbus A321M on 31 October.
Militants Claim Responsibility for Russian Plane Crash
Following the crashing of the Russian plane, Islamic state militants claimed their responsibility for it releasing a video, audio message on the web and written statement. Head of FSB, Alexander Bortnikov said, “According to our experts, a homemade explosive device equivalent to 1 kilogram of TNT went off on board, which caused the plane to break up in the air, which explains why the fuselage was scattered over such a large territory. I can certainly say that this was a terrorist act.”
He affirmed that all the tests which have been carried out during the preliminary investigation proved that the explosives had been developed outside of Russia. On October 31, 2015, Metrojet Airbus 321-200 crashed over the Sinai Peninsula killing all the passengers who were mostly on Russian tourists.
Metrojet Airbus 321-200 was heading to the destination, St. Petersburg while it crashed over immediately after 23 minutes of taking off from the Red Sea resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh. Official reports stated that most of the passengers were from St. Petersburg. Although after the crash over of the plane, Egyptian government failed to make an immediate comment over it while television channels based in Egypt carried the newsbreak from Moscow.
Affirmative statements of United Stared and the British claiming an explosive device behind the Russian plane’s crash were bruised aside by the Egyptian government. However, on the contrary, Egyptian government officials agitated that it was a Western conspiracy against Egypt and the devastating country’s vital tourism industry.
Putin Vows to Track Down Islamic State Militants
In an official statement during the media conference on Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, “There’s no statute of limitations for this. We need to know all of their names. We’re going to look for them everywhere wherever they are hiding. We will find them in any place on Earth and punish them.”
Putin further added, “Russia’s air campaign in Syria should not only be continued but should be intensified so that the criminals realize that retribution is inevitable.” He demanded the suggestions and valid inputs from the Defense Ministry and General Staff to intensify Russia’s operation in Syria.
Russian President said, “In this work, including the search to find and punish the criminals, we are relying on all of our friends. We will act in accordance with the U.N. Charter’s Article 51, which gives each country the right to self-defense. Everyone who tries to aid the criminals should understand that they will be responsible for giving them shelter.”
While Islamic state militants alleged “the attack was retaliation for Russia’s air campaign against IS and other groups in Syria, where Moscow wants to preserve the rule of President Bashar Assad.” These announcements were made by the Russia immediately after their next day of meeting with other world leaders in Turkey where they consecrated to combat the Islamic State group by working together.
Without disclosing more details over their future course, the Islamic State group has threatened the Russian President Vladimir Putin that they would also attack him and his people at home. The group may be keeping back so as its claim might be false since disclosing the future plans particulars would weaken their attacks, intensifying its mystique among its true loyal followers across the globe.