Shah Rukh Khan Finally Opens Up And Withdraws His Stand, Says ‘I Never Said India Is Intolerant’

Bollywood Badshah Shah Rukh Khan opened up about the controversy revolving his statement on “growing intolerance” in India. SRK recently faced a political backlash for saying his opinion on following which he was named as ‘Pakistani Agent’. He said that he would return all his awards to protest against the religious intolerance in the country when the situation demands him to do so.

Later, SRK remained silent as he was busy with the shoot of his upcoming film Dilwale. After the completion of his shooting, now he came back to speak about the issue what actually he meant. Shah Rukh straight away denied that he ever said that India is intolerant. “I talk about something and it is misconstrued, and I get into trouble. That’s a nuisance. Like that thing which blew up recently I never said India is intolerant.”

Shah Rukh Khan Finally Opens Up And Withdraws His Stand, Says 'I Never Said India Is Intolerant'

SRK was asked if he would use his gift of the gab for a broader purpose, to which he said, “My reply will be in two parts. Yes, I think I should. I have an idea, but haven’t been able to put it to practice.”  “I want to create a weekly video where I could present myself to the world. I could be talking about everything, not just films. But then, I also think I should speak less,” he added.

“When I was asked about it, I said I wouldn’t like talking about it, but when they insisted, I had just said that the youth should concentrate on making this a secular, progressive country. It is just that people like to believe what they want to believe. Misconstruing my words might or might not suit a particular political agenda, but I am annoyed because I didn’t mean what is being portrayed.”

“I am an actor and make films. This is enough of a job. I am an icon because I can be what I am on screen,” said SRK. The 50-year-old star further added that his statements are molded for political purposes and he is upset with this because he didn’t mean it.

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