She Cancelled Her Booking at OLACAB but the Response She Received Was Shameful

A Bangalore based woman has booked a CAB on OLA. Unfortunately, for some reason she had to cancel the booking. The thing is she hadn’t done this intentionally, as per her tweet she had to cancel due to some issue. But the CAB driver got furious and replied in a very nasty way which was not a good thing at all.

Some questions raised:

  1. OLA should mask their customer number. What happened to their masking of customer numbers?
  2. Didn’t they inform their cab drivers that the cancellations are something that might happen as a part of the job and they are not supposed to panic or abuse customers for the same?
  3. The CAB drivers and other middle man responding to their customers in a arrogant manner is not something new which must be taken seriously into consideration.

Do let us know what do you think about this incident in your comments below;

We must acknowledge the fact that the cab driver might have got such wrong bookings but the way to deal with such incidents is not at all encouraged. Now OLA has to respond and take some action on this driver who has crossed his limit towards a customer.

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