Secret Behind The Size of Your Ring Finger That Tells About Your Personality
Do you know that the length of your fingers can reveal a lot of your personality? Everyone has slightly different fingers and hand lines. Some believe that the hand lines tell about their future. There is no dearth of weird scientific studies and evidence that these are actually true. To see what your fingers say about you, straighten out your left hand and compare it to the categories below.
In general, there are 3 main types of finger lengths. Take a look at your own fingers in comparison with the image to identify which looks like your own.
1. If the little finger reaches the first part of your ring finger:
You are not confident about yourself and you are like alone-time master i.e. you like to be alone. You have very decent communication skills and don’t over think your ways of expressing emotions. A little boost will bring you to the top of the communication skills list.
2. If the little finger exceeds the first part of your ring finger:
You are a good extrovert in personality but the only thing that goes wrong sometimes is that people misinterpret you. You have excellent impressive communication skills and can easily express your emotions to anyone. The only thing that goes wrong with your generous and kind nature is that some people interpret it incorrectly.
3. If the little finger is below the first part of your ring finger:
You are not comfortable in conveying your feelings to people, especially to the ones you are attracted to. You are a complete introvert. You are likely to observe things more than experience them. You expect a lot from others and whenever they fail to respond according to your hopes, you get disappointed.