Twitter Had Hilarious Reactions Upon United Kingdom’s Exit From The European Union

The current buzzword in the entire world is Brexit. The United Kingdom woke up Friday to news of the historic Brexit vote to find itself out of the European Union. People of Britain have voted to leave EU which is going to have a huge impact in the coming years.

Brexit effect

The decision of Britain voting to leave the European Union resulted in disaster in the global financial markets, sending the pound into free-fall, and threatening London’s role as a global financial capital. The referendum was a close call and 52% voted in favour of Brexit.

Check: All You Need to Know About Brexit And Its Impact on India

Disappointed remain voters were quick to make light of their dismay with memes, darkly comic images, gifs, and vines on social media. Twitter users took to the social networking site to share their takes on the UK’s decision to quit the European Union.

Twitter Reactions:

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