12 Images Of Religious Unity That Defines The Idea Of India
If The Hindu and the Muslim communities could be united in one bond of mutual friendship, and if could act towards the other ever as children of the same mother it would be a consummation devoutly to be wished. The union that we want is not a patched up thing but a union of hearts based upon a definite recognition of the indubitable proposition that Swaraj for India must be an impossible dream without an indissoluble union between the Hindus and Muslims of India. It must not be a mere truce. It cannot be based upon mutual fear. It must be a partnership between equals, each respecting the religion of the other. Hindu Muslim unity means not unity only between Hindus and Musalmans and between all those who believe India to be their home, no matter what faith they belong. There’s a lot of religious discontent in the country. And fanatics try time and again to ruin the peace. But thankfully they are unable to change the DNA of this country which is one of embracing and celebrating diversity. Where all communities can live in peace and friendship. These twelve images define the spirit of India, which no fanatic can ever change!
After all religion is nothing when compared to kindness and good heart that we have. Lets be more kind and loving irrespective of religion. Give value to the person not the religion. Religion, caste, creed etc. these all are designed by us not any other. Keep aside your religious hatred and love everyone.