UPPSC PCS Prelims Exam Re-scheduled to May 10th

UPPSC PCS Prelims Exam Re-scheduled to May 10th: First paper of UPPSC Prelims exam was cancelled as it was leaked on social media one and half an hour before the exam. Three candidates has taken photograph of questions and circulated in Whatsapp. UPPSC has cancelled preliminary examination Paper I which was to be held on 29th March. UPPSC Prelims exam paper was leaked on whatsapp. Provincial Civil Services (PCS) question paper was sold for 5 lakh rupees. Many protests broke out with the news of cancellation of the exam.

UPPSC Prelims exam Re-scheduled to May 10th

UPPSC Prelims Exam Paper I Leaked :

The Special Task Force (STF) has arrested three persons on the issue of leakage of prelims paper. The paper was leaked at 09:15 AM before the exam start. The question paper leaked matched the exactly the PCS paper. They have informed the Chief Minister and Chief Secretary on this issue, said Director General of Police (DGP) A K Jain.

Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav convened an emergency meeting with Chief Secretary Alok Ranjan, DG Police A K Jain and some other senior officers. After cancelling the exam the authority has decided to conduct the exam on May 10th, UPPSC Secretary Rizwan-ur-Rahman said in Allahabad.

UPPSC Prelims Exam re-scheduled to May 10

Huge number of candidates registered for the exam on 29th March. This year 4,43,079 candidates have applied for the UPPSC prelims exam in 917 centers all over the state. The STF chief said the accused had taken photographs of question papers one and a half hours before the examination and circulated it through WhatsApp messenger they took money people and sold the paper for them.

Students Fire on UPPSC :

Next day after cancelling the exam students protested at several places against the paper leak. UPPSC Chairman was torched by the issue. How ever STF have clearly announced that their is no UPPSChand of any  or government official was found in the PCS-preliminary paper leak. “No role of any officer or employee of Commission or government was found in the paper leakage,” IG, STF Sujit Pandey told reporters in Lucknow.

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