[Video] Karnataka Chief Secretary Arvind Jadhav Runs Away From Media In Vidhan Soudha
Karnataka Chief Secretary Arvind Jadhav who was appointed a week ago was in news today not for the right reason. On Friday, Arvind Jadhav arrived late to the meeting of the parliamentary committee, headed by Deputy Lok Sabha Speaker M Thambidurai, which was in Karnataka to review the utilization of funds under the Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS).
He attended the meeting in Vidhan Soudha that lasted only 15 minutes. To avoid and escape the journalist’s question, Arvind Jadhav ran up two floors to reach his office and locked himself inside the room. A video clipping of him running up two floors has gone viral, prompting criticism from both the ruling and opposition parties.
This incident made every journalist shock who followed the chief secretary to his office and videotaped the incident. Bangalore Central MP PC Mohan said, “The chief secretary should have deputed someone to welcome the panel members at the lunch. This courtesy was not extended.” Arvind Jadhav landed in a controversy after the incident.
Following this Chief Minister, Siddharamaiah issued a notice saying that Jadhav had set a wrong precedent. “No matter how busy the chief secretary was, he should have made it a point to arrive at the meeting on time. This is an important committee. Ironically, even the presiding officers of the Legislative Assembly and Council were not there to welcome the Deputy Speaker Thambidurai,” the notice explained.