Wrongly Accused Ex-ISRO Scientist Gives Account Of His Suffering Under The Torture In Jail

Thiruvananthapuram: A week did not pass after the Supreme Court cleared the case to be falsely alleged spy scandal, former ISRO scientist S Nambi Narayanan alleged on Wednesday that he underwent “untold misery” and “suffering” when he was jailed.

Mr. Narayanan reiterated his earlier stance that the “ISRO spy scandal” was not at all a spy case and told the media that whoever was behind the plot was, in fact, a bit clever.

“This was nothing but a fabricated case. They found out that I had sold a yet-to-be-created cryogenic technology to an enemy nation. How is it possible to sell something when it was never there?

“Those who fabricated the case should have been a little clever,” he said.

“I fought this legal battle for so long because I wanted to clear my name that I was not a spy. Right from the day one this case surfaced, I was sure that this is no spy case and I am not a spy. That has been achieved,” added Mr. Narayanan.

The Supreme Court on September 14 awarded Mr. Narayanan Rs. 50 lakh as compensation towards the humiliation and suffering he underwent after he was arrested by the Kerala Police.

Along with that, the Supreme Court also ordered to set up a committee led by a former top court judge, DK Jain to do an inquiry about the role of the officials involved in implicating the ISRO scientist in the false case.

The officials to be inquired about including the former Inspector General of Police Siby Mathews and former Deputy Superintendents of Police KK Joshua and S Vijayan.

“It is for Mathews to answer all the questions as he was the head of the Special Investigation Team. About four years back, he and his wife met me. I never made this public but the media found it out.”

He further said that when he was jailed in the false case, he was tortured and underwent untold misery and suffering.

Mr. Narayanan also said that at the time of false allegation over the scandal, a section of the media was of the view that there was no such spy case, but another section of the media started writing concocted stories out of ignorance.

In 1995, his name was cleared by CBI and he resumes his work and later on, he retired from ISRO.

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