Pentagon Authorizes $1 Billion For US-Mexico Border Wall

The Pentagon has authorized $1 Billion for the US-Mexico border wall after a national emergency was declared by current President of the USA Donald Trump, this is the first release for the fencing in the border. Donald Trump pledged to build the wall during his electoral campaigns.

Democrats protested against the move that was made by the Pentagon. The $1 Billion funds released by the Pentagon will be used to build a “Wall” which will be 91 kilometers long.

POTUS Donald Trump called the situation at the US-Mexico border a crisis and has continuously insisted that a barrier which he calls a “Wall” is needed to be built on the border to stop Mexican criminals to cross the border.

Critics of Donald Trump say that he manufactured the so-called border emergency.

A statement that was released by the Pentagon said that Patrick Shanahan the US Defence Secretary has “authorised the commander of the US Army Corps of Engineers to begin planning and executing up to $1bn in support to the Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Patrol”.

The statement mentioned a federal law that “gives the Department of Defence the authority to construct roads and fences and to install lighting to block drug-smuggling corridors across international boundaries of the United States in support of counter-narcotic activities of federal law enforcement agencies”.

The fund that was released by the Pentagon will cover up a “Pedestrian Fencing” that is 18-ft high.

Democratic senators complained about the move that was made by the Pentagon as they did not seek permission from the right committees before notifying the Congress about the transferred funds.

Patrick Shanahan the US Defence Secretary said, “We strongly object to both the substance of the funding transfer, and to the department implementing the transfer without seeking the approval of the congressional defence committees and in violation of provisions in the defence appropriation itself.”

On February 15, President Trump declared the national emergency after his request was refused by the Congress, his request included a fund of $5.7 Billion to construct the wall on the US-Mexico Border.

After Donald declared the national emergency, he sought to bypass the Congress and build the wall on the border by using the Military Funds.

Democrats called the declaration as unconstitutional.

In order to stop President Trump, the Congress will need 2-thirds majority in both chambers to vote against him.

Experts say that the chances of stopping Donald Trump are slim.

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